Hearing God through Dreams and  Visions

Dreams and Visions...

are revelations of the Holy Spirit and answer to prayers that can be found in the Word of God.

Dreams and Visions...

are revelations of the Holy Spirit and answer to prayers that can be found in the Word of God.


Martin and Letitia travels through out South Africa to conduct Seminars and Equipping Events.  Below is a list of their upcoming events.


Date Venue Contact Person
14-15 September Via Kruis, Duncanville, Vereening

Delene Vorster




Martin and Letitia travels through out South Africa to conduct Seminars and Equipping Events.  Below is a list of their upcoming events.



 14 – 15 September
Via Kruis, Duncanville, Vereeniging 
Contact: Delene Vorster